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Cyborg Project copy.jpg
Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 10.56.11 AM.png

conclusion questions:



2. What are some of the different compositing techniques you used (ex: Clipping masks, adjustment layers, etc.) and where did you use them?

  • Some of the different techniques I used to create my composite were a lot of adjustment layers, clipping masks, and most of the using the pen tool and overlaying my parts into my composite. I used it to blend the cyborg parts into my skin to make it look much smoother and not too bold. I used a lot of adjusting layers to make sure everything was in place and made sure no layers were in places that they weren't supposed to be. The pen tool was the main technique I used to shape the parts into my face to fit perfectly and the erase tool was well to erase parts of the cyborg parts that were overlapping outside the face lines that I embedded on my face.


3. What was the most challenging part of this project? What did you do to overcome this challenge?

  • The most challenging part of this project was being stable, being as careful and precise as I could be, and trying my best to follow the video tutorial since there was no voice-over on how to do the composite, and had to slow down the video to be able to follow it step by step. What I did to overcome this challenge was be patient and take my time to be sure everything was perfect.


4. Based on the learning target, what level of mastery does your project demonstrate (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding)? Why do you think so? Make sure to provide specific evidence.

  - Based on the learning target, the level of mastery my project demonstrated is that I exceeded my monster composite. Not only did I hit the rubric for receiving a four on the project but also choosing a monster composite that took a lot of patience and stability, and was very challenging for me as my patience is not that high for something that tedious. My monster composite turned out better than I expected it to come out. I had to go out of my box of digital media knowledge to figure out what some of the tools are meant for and struggled a little bit but pulled through to get the grade I worked hard for. 


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