-Mary Navarro-
Digital Media
book Cover Design
Conclusion Questions
1.What book did you decide to redesign the cover for? Why did you choose this book?
- I chose to redesign Cinderella, I chose this book as it was one of my favorite Disney books reading growing up.
2. What parts of the plot did you use as inspiration for your book cover design?
- The parts of the plot I use for inspiration for my book cover design is when Cinderella runs away from the castle as midnight
strikes midnight, the clock, and the pumpkin vines to represent the final touches of her departure for the ball.
3. In as much detail as possible record the steps it took to create this project in photoshop. Use complete sentences.​ Try to recall as many of the different tools, processes and keyboard commands as possible.
- The steps I recorded to create this project was the first step of reading the clients brief of what they wanted on the newly redesigned book, then took a lot of brainstorming and finding pictures that would fit the clients brief. Second, I put all my designs, pictures, and desired colors that I wanted to use on my cover and turned into a mood board to evaluate how well the theme would compliment my idea. Third, I started exporting all my ideas into the template that was provided from my teacher and exported it to photoshop, the tools I used was a lot of erasing, removing background, and imbedding the designs onto the book template. I repeated all those main steps for all my pictures that I use on my background.
4.What was the easiest and what was the most challenging part of creating your cover?
- The easiest part of creating my own cover was finding illustrations to represent the new cover and the most challenging part was always having to go back and re-place some of the original pictures that I chose and having to find better ones that fit my clients brief.
5. Based on the learning target, "Students will redesign a cover for a famous book that appeals to a modern literacy audience by developing, proposing and refining artistic ideas, plans, prototypes and production processes for media arts productions. " what level of mastery does your project demonstrate (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding). Why do you think so? Make sure to provide specific evidence.
- My mastery level for this project is that I exceeded the requirement’s that was needed to have the grade that I deserve,
I found this project fairly easy as it is almost the same as my first project that I did for beginners digital media back in my junior year. I understood all the tools that I was using and had little to no problem doing it over and over again, as it could be very tedious, the final outcome of my book cover turned out better than I expected.