-Mary Navarro-
Digital Media
Identity collage
Project Summary
1. In as much detail as possible record the steps it took to create this project in Photoshop. Use complete sentences.​
- The first step I did was to brainstorm on how I wanted to display my photos on my project, second, I gathered photos that identified me as the person who I am today. Mainly a lot of the photos I chose are of people who have been part of my life and helped me be who I am today and some small interests that I have. Third, I decided to make the theme of my collage into a scrapbook and make the pictures look like stickers. Lastly, I rearranged them into the places I wanted them to be positioned until I was satisfied with the results and added more photos to make it look full and not leave out empty spots.
2. Define the terms as they relate to Photoshop: Blend modes, layer masks, and adjustment layers. Give a specific example of how you used each of these in your identity collage.
- I used blend modes to help blend in my pictures to make them not look too bold and added outer glow to make them look like stickers. I used a layer mask on all my pictures to make my pictures pop out with only the specific pictures without the background and to hide parts of an image or layer without erasing them. And used adjustment layers on specific pictures I had that were too dark or too light and edited them to make them look more vibrant.
3. How does your college represent your identity? What specific images did you use and what do they represent about you?
- My identity collage represents my identity because I included all of the people in my life who made me who I am today. You will notice my collage has mainly pictures of my family and friends. They helped me grow not only as a person but helped me with loving myself when I struggled to find confidence in me as, as they were there throughout my life to help me become me. Some of the pictures besides my family include my interest and where I came from, such as the Philippine flag and the green background with the waterfall representing one of the most beautiful tourist spots on my island, Seven Falls in Lake Sebu, South Cotabato and my city's landmark the Koronadal Round Ball. A silhouette of a dancer because I love to dance, the group Enhypen and their fan lightstick because I love their songs and their choreographies, and Jollibee being my favorite fast food back home. Calcifer on my shoulder, because my favorite Studio Ghibli movie is "Howls Moving Castle". The Philippine national flower is on the top right corner and also my favorite flower, Sampaguitta. And a gallon of Mango Juice because I love mango juice or anything that has to do with Mango. Lastly, a mural of the Greek Gods in the background in the center showcases my interest in Greek mythology.
4. What was successful in your project? What was unsuccessful and what would you do differently next time to solve this problem?
- The successful part of my project was everything on it, it came out just how I wanted it to be to look like a scrapbook, and the pictures looked like stickers. What was unsuccessful was that I kept forgetting people to add to my collage and had to space the other pictures to make them all fit and look nice. I would plan out all of my pictures more before starting the project so I do not have to keep adding more pictures throughout my project.
5. Based on the learning target, what level of mastery does your project demonstrate (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding)? Why do you think? Make sure to provide specific evidence.
- My level of mastery on this project is that I exceed my understanding of the project criteria. Not only I enjoyed developing this project but I also put a lot of meaning into it to show who I am. I can say that my project looks very neat and well made and I worked patiently to make my project to make it look like the grade I deserve for this final.