-Mary Navarro-
Digital Media
-Logo design-
Final design:
Sketch design:
Business Card:
Conclusion questions:
1. In as much detail as possible record the steps it took to create your logo in Adobe illustrator. Use complete sentences.​ Try to recall as many of the different tools, processes and keyboard commands as possible.
The first step I did to design my logo was sketch out my idea on paper and took a picture of my final sketch and airdropped it to the Mac. Next I exported my sketch to adobe illustrator and changed the opacity to be able to see and trace my sketch. I then locked my layer that had my sketch in order for it not to move when I am tracing my image with pen tool and curvature tool for my Philippine Sun. Next I took off the outline stroke to make it less bold with the colors because I wanted my gradient to pop up more, I used the Roland printer pink for the outline stroke to be able to print my sticker. How I created my gradient is that I used the ellipse tool and made the fill pastel blue as the main color and turned it into a gradient mesh and used the wrinkle tool to make the ellipse into a water color gradient and used the text tool to type on a path which is my circle gradient in my logo. I then copy and pasted the circle vine to my logo and turned it into a silhouette and rotated it till it looked like the way I wanted (even it already is the circle I wanted the spaces to be even). After completing my logo, I grouped my logo and copy and pasted it to the side, pressed unite, went to object, path, outline and stroke and repeated these steps and instead of stroke I clicked offset stroke and to make the print pink color I downloaded the cut line color AI and went to swatched and changed my stroke to that pink color to be able to print my sticker.
2. What is a cut line? Why is it important to add when making stickers?
A cut line is a path that gets placed around your design to tell us exactly how it should be cut. Most stickers feature a white border around the design – this is what the cut line creates.
3. What is branding? How can you use it to market yourself when looking for a job?
Branding is the promotion of a particular product or company by means of advertising and distinctive design. You can use it to market yourself when you are looking for a job to show your interest and what you can offer.
4. Based on the learning target, what level of mastery does your project demonstrate (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding). Why do you think so? Make sure to provide specific evidence.
Based on the learning target the level of mastery my project demonstrates is that I exceeded my work. I do believe that this project was the fastest one I have demonstrated my knowledge for editing and designing and even with a short amount of time I was able to complete my logo and the results turning out better than my sketch.